DB2 썸네일형 리스트형 DB2 SQL error codes SQL error codesuse CTRL + F to find code you want SQL return codes that are preceded by a minus sign (-) indicate that the SQL statement execution was unsuccessful.-007 STATEMENT CONTAINS THE ILLEGAL CHARACTER invalid-character-010 THE STRING CONSTANT BEGINNING string IS NOT TERMINATED-011 COMMENT NOT CLOSED-029 INTO CLAUSE REQUIRED-051 identifier-name (sql-type) WAS PREVIOUSLY DECLARED OR REFER.. 더보기 DB2 Data Type Java Mapping Data types that map to database data types in Java applicationsTo write efficient JDBC and SQLJ programs, you need to use the best mappings between Java™ data types and table column data types.The following tables summarize the mappings of Java data types to JDBC and database data types for a DB2® for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, DB2 for z/OS®, or IBM® Informix® system.Data types for updating table.. 더보기 이전 1 다음